Juice Shop

Your local favorites near and far

Nearlist puts your favorite local businesses all in one place.

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How it works

Connect with your favorite local businesses on Nearlist. Always know what’s happening when at home or away, and message with ease.


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Nearlist Feed in iPhone


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Stay in touch


Luca / Corner Store, Owner's photo

Luca / Corner Store, Owner

“I stayed open late a few minutes so our favorite local customer, Nina, could run over and pick up some extra organic veggies. Happy to do it!”

Nina / Blogger, Foodie's photo

Nina / Blogger, Foodie

“Everyone at the Corner Stone is great! Luca always posts the new yummy seasonal produce and sends us market specials. They take care of their locals.”


Betsy / Clothing Store, Sales's photo

Betsy / Clothing Store, Sales

“Adam has been coming to our store for years! I know what he likes so I always let him know when we have items that match with his personal style.”

Adam / Architect, Cyclist's photo

Adam / Architect, Cyclist

“These guys really get to know their customers. I love the personal messages I get from Betsy with suggestions, and her flash sales are great!”


Ethan / Boot Camp, Trainer's photo

Ethan / Boot Camp, Trainer

“We’re all busy, so we need a lot of support to reach our goals. I message with Alexis all the time to coordinate workouts and check on her progress.”

Alexis / Lawyer, Triathlete's photo

Alexis / Lawyer, Triathlete

“I work long hours, but I need to be in shape for triathlons. Ethan goes out of his way to schedule my workouts, and he posts great fitness tips.”


 Alice / Wine Bar, Owner's photo

Alice / Wine Bar, Owner

“We offer seasonal plates, plus live music and cooking classes. We make sure our regulars like Jared are up-to-date on our latest menus and events!”

Jared / Engineer, Traveler's photo

Jared / Engineer, Traveler

“If I’m looking for something fun to do, this is my go-to-place! I love their daily updates, and Alice is always available to answer any questions.”


Liz / Jazz Center, Events's photo

Liz / Jazz Center, Events

“I keep our community up to date on upcoming performances. Our member events help folks like Samuel connect with other music lovers.”

 Samuel / Editor, Musician's photo

Samuel / Editor, Musician

“The Jazz Center introduces me to a lot of great new music. Liz keeps me up to date on member events which are a fun way to meet people.”

Well, hello there

Send us a message if you have a question or would like to know more about Nearlist.

For Business

For businesses joining Nearlist, we created a dedicated Business app for managing all of your marketing activities. Learn More

Coffee Shop